Breath of Life Stroll 2022

Ellen & Emma
Ellen & Emma

Ellen & Emma's Friends

On November 22, 2013 our lives changed forever when we woke up to find our youngest twin daughter Ellen, passed away in her crib. For two months and two days, we had two beautiful twin daughters who loved to be close to each other and were loved by their two older brothers. We lost all of our hopes and the dreams we had for our girls and our children. A piece of hearts went with her and it is a hole that will never be filled. 

No parent should ever have to go through this nightmare. Planning your infant daughters funeral and trying to handle life afterwards. We are not meant for that. But more than 3,500 infants die each year from SIDS. 

Help us by walking in Ellen's name, spreading the word on safe sleep and helping families get safe sleep environments for their babies. 

Help us reduce the numbers the best that we can, keeping Ellen's name alive. 

You can sign up to join wherever you are to walk since it is virtual over the course of October!! So join us!!

 Every $70 raised can save an infant's life!


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